Real-time payments are set to revolutionize New Zealand’s economy. They’ll drive innovation and create more connected payment ecosystems. They’ll help businesses grow and corporations thrive. On an individual level, they’ll make every Kiwi’s life a little easier. With more than 60 real-time payment schemes already live around the world, the move is inevitable. The question isn’t if — it’s who, and when.

By enabling money to transfer between parties within seconds rather than days, real-time payments can significantly improve overall market efficiencies in the New Zealand economy and play an important role in helping facilitate growth.

ACI Worldwide and Payments NZ jointly commissioned an independent analysis working with the Centre for Economic and Business Research (Cebr) of the potential economic benefits of real-time payments in Aotearoa.

Download this exclusive Cebr economic impact study to learn more about the benefits to New Zealand’s payments market.
Real-Time Insights for New Zealand